A stunning zen garden-located in the site of World Heritage!

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Zen garden in Kongobuji Temple

zen garden in Kongobuji-temple

Happy new year!

We have photos of astonishingly beautiful zen gardens for you in the new year!

Koyasan is a sacred site of Japanese Buddhism, founded by Kobo-Daishi (a monk in the early Heian period) in the early Heian period (Heian Period: 794-1185), and this zen garden is located at Koyasan.

Kobo-Daishi traveled to China to study esoteric Buddhism, and after returning to Japan, he founded the Shingon sect of Buddhism.  In Japan, he devoted himself to spreading Buddhism and left behind many achievements.

Kongobuji Temple is the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect, which is included in the World Heritage Site “Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range”. 

A breath-taking Zen Garden in Kongobuji-temple

Banryutei-garden, Kongobuji in Koyasan

This small area of zen garden in Kongobuji temple has its beauty and serenity, and is widely known in Japan.

Banryu-tei Garden in Kongobuji


The Banryu-tei garden, called “the largest stone garden in Japan,” is located past the main hallway of Kongobuji-Temple, and it is also well known.

The garden was created in 1984 on the 1150th anniversary of Kobo-Daishi’s enlightenment.  The 2,340 square meters (about 500 tsubo) of Shirakawa sand from Kyoto is a sight to behold, and the curved stonework like a dragon that surrounds the inner sanctuary in the center of the sea of clouds is characteristic.

It is said that granite from Shikoku, the birthplace of Kukai, was used for the masonry.

This beautiful Kongobuji-temple is located at Koyasan, Koya, Ito District, in Wakayama prefecture.


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